The cheapest way to fund T212 with USD?

I’m curious if you have any tips or tricks on how to fund a T212 account with USD for someone living in Germany/EU?

Other than Revolut (don’t have an account there) and Wise (which charges 13 USD for USD transfers to non-US countries).

Converting with 0.15% is not bad, but with big amounts, it’s definitely something…

Don’t have a clear answer, but what IBAN are you depositing to - German in JPM or a UK IBAN?
I guess the former would be better for UK residents, the latter for EU residents (if they are clients of the EU entity).

Right now I’m depositing always EUR to JPM in Frankfurt, Germany. USD is only possible in the UK.

But my question is any tips or tricks to deposit USD in T212 for cheaper? Other than Revolut…