Trading 212 Common Reporting Standard

Does Trading 212 come under the Common Reporting Standard rules on reporting Investor information to resident tax authorities ?

Yes, I can confirm that we comply with the CRS reporting.

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For those who are interested, here is a an article about CRS and what gets reported.

When you signed up with Trading 212 you were required to supply much of the information that is needed for reporting, such as your tax residency. Typically, institutions report account balances and income annually to relevant tax authorities.

I am not Trading 212 staff, but my understanding is that Trading 212 would report to HMRC for CRS. In respect of those not resident in the UK it is the responsibility of HMRC to exchange the account information with the correct partner country.


I assume after Brexit the reporting from HMRC of non resident accounts to the investors tax residency will continue .

I would expect so. CRS agreements extend far beyond the countries of the EU.