Trading View - Broker Integration / Hotkeys

Will T212 consider integrating with Trading View to allow direct trades via the tradingview website?

The graphs on T212 are frankly not that great, with volume ticks shown instead of actual traded volume.

Difficult to get in and out of trades quickly due to the lack of ‘hot key’ options and the absolute requirement to set up a buy order and then confirm it on another screen.

Thank you for the suggestions. We previously received similar ones, but there isn’t any development at the moment. We’re currently working on bringing other key features.

TradingView doesn’t have any hotkeys to buy/sell, add to positions, take partial profit, close/cover, etc.

It doesn’t really have any of the hotkeys you’d need to execute + manage your trades.

So even if T212 made it possible to trade through them, yes it would be a nice addition, for some people, but if you want to get in and out of trades quickly it’s not the best option.

Although I’ve never tried their price ladder, which I think would be their best way to execute & manage trades.

Tradingview does have a buy / sell option when youj connect a broker to it, which isn’t hotkeys and I find that would be more useful than the current way they set it up.

The most frustrating thing really is the order tick volume, vs actual volume - it makes no sense.

What other key features are you presently developing if you’ve stopped all other development?

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Yes, you can buy/sell once you log into your broker on TradingView, but my personal preference would’ve been if they had hotkeys/shortcuts to quickly enter/manage/exit trades.

At least that’s what I find easier, more efficient way to trade :slight_smile: