Hi, I am new to Trading 212 (1 month in) but I am a little disappointed with the customer service, I sent a query a couple of times but I only get a reply to rate their service and confirm if they resolved the issue or not while one actually got back me in the last 2 weeks?
what’s everyone else’s experience here?
I opened a trading 212 ISA account by mistake only to find out I have another ISA and you cannot invest in two ISA’s in the same financial year, I would like to transfer my ISA to a different provider but I like Trading 212 and would like to open an investment account, is it possible?
I’ll tag the T212 customer service for you, cc: @Team212.
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Think they don’t have enough man power atm, they’re struggling to keep up with the amount of emails they’re receiving.
Yes you can open an invest account. Did you deposit into the ISA on here with another one open that you deposited into this tax year? Also, I if the other one isn’t a stocks and shares ISA then it’s fine
It should be pretty straight forward to open a general invest account. I can’t remember exactly because it’s been a while. But I think it was just a matter of activating through the menu.
As to the double ISA, I don’t think it’s an issue unless you have funded both in the same tax year. If you have, give HMRC a call and they will advise you on what to do.
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I have activated the investment account and reqursted to transfer my ISA account but I am not sure once my ISA is transferred, will trading 212 still allow my invest account to carry on and if i deposit money into my invest acc will this have any linl with my ISA acc for HMRC to question?
Trading 212 is a very goid and easy to use platform but lack of response from customer service is making me think how would they manage everything in the long run!
The general invest account is not affected by anything you do with the ISA account.
Cheers, funded the account 
Getting started now!