Will Stop Loss trigger during AH

I have a position in a US stock which has dropped during extended hours. Will my stop loss trigger out of hours or will I be stopped out when the market opens much lower than my stop limit???

So I bought at 6.54. Set my stop at 6.49. Current AH price is 6.17.

Will I get stopped out at the price the stock opens at - in which case Iā€™ll cancel my sell order


Will I have been stopped out during AH at my limit of 6.49?

I might be wrong but I think a stop loss is executed on opening.
Which is really a fuckery I agree with you in advance :slight_smile:
One way to find out for sure is: can you delete the stop loss now.
If so then it didnā€™t executedā€¦

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I removed the stop loss but bleeding hell. Canā€™t wait til Webull opens up for UK residents!

if there is no market to trade. naturally your pending orders wonā€™t trigger either.

T212 is already looking to add pre and post market hours across the accounts, itā€™s just a matter of time. but a gap in market hours will always cause a delay in order fulfillment.

Which stock is it? The Admins could enable AH for it on CFD if thereā€™s enough volume. For example Tesla is available AH.

Thatā€™s the yolo spirit.

T212 need to update their system to allow for the Stop Loss on Invest or ISA to be based on price not at close but based on price AH or PRE. It feels archaic that it has not been done yet.

It also seems archaic that it takes 3 days to withdraw funds as opposed to within 15 minutes if using paypal on CFD alone, not allowing Invest or ISA accounts to have instant withdrawral.

Are either of these items in a pipeline at T212 to update and improve.

If you enable the ā€˜Extended hours tradingā€™, youā€™ll see the pre-market or after-hours price in the ā€˜Review orderā€™ tab.

As for the withdrawals, the standard timeframe is 3 business days when withdrawing to a bank account or card.

We know how important it is to move money between saving, investing, and spending instantly. Thatā€™s why weā€™ll soon have a card available to our clients :raised_hands: