I’m trying to find some stocks from EU from Medical Specialties industry but most of them are missing (e.g. MEDIAN Technologies SA ). Isn’t possible to connect to a stock market (e.g. EURONEXT PARIS) and proxy all the stocks from that market? Why are stocks added one by one?
I’ve also seen some older posts here about a roadmap where tens of thousands of stocks were supposed to be added but it looks like the app is stuck/limited at 2459 stocks.
The number in the stock is just how many have been put in that specific.folder, there’s about 1500+ not in a folder you have to search the ticker directly to find it.
Its 10,000 stocks over weeks not in one go too, so a few hundred a week.
Off-topic, but I immensely enjoy the typo in the title.
There are 2459 in the “stocks”(all) folder of the app . Then you can further choose different folders (i.e by country etc). Below is also a list which seems to count less than 2000 lines (after you click “show all”). Is there any other link ?
Its 10,000 stocks over weeks not in one go too, so a few hundred a week.
What exactly do you mean by this? How many stocks do we have available right now in the app? When will we reach 10.000?
I think expected target for 10k stocks will be around late Q3 or Q4
So currently if I look directly at their API it has 3537 in the app, so 1078 are hidden instruments in that they are not yet added to a folder and you’ll need to search the ticker using the search input instead to find it.
Here’s a paste bin of all 3537 as of 10:32 am today in markdown.
Search the forum for this weeks. Staff are adding 200-300 each week or so.
We’re aiming for 10,000 at year end.
So 10000-3537 = 6463
29 weeks left in 2020.
6463/29 = 222 week on average sounds doable
I assume some weeks might not have as many and then blam 1,000 added.