Additional stock markets

Any chance on adding more stock markets.
Eg. Greek stock market( 36% up since January)

The Athens Stock Exchange is not currently in the pipeline, but we may potentially consider it down the road. I’ll pass your feedback along and keep you posted on the developments :v:


I’ve already mentioned this, but just because of the title of this post, I wanted to add that I’m very interested in Scandinavian and Baltic exchanges if T212 were ever to add them, especially Stockholm (would fit very nicely with multi-currency accounts).


Can you share which are? Hoping for Sweden and Canada :eyes: @B.E

I’m also keen on Scandanvia. I have exposure via MTE, a European small-caps trust, which is worth a look. It’s expensive but has a great record. Sweden makes up more than 20% and it has a fair bit of Denmark and Norway too. High tech exposure so it’s not for the feint hearted and, obviously, DYOR.

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We’ll let you know once we have more clarity on which exchanges are up to be added next, But for the time being, I’m afraid I don’t have any updates to share.

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Could you add the below exchanges to the ISA account?

The Toronto Stock Exchange
Nasdaq Helsinki
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange
The Stockholm Stock Exchange
Milan Stock Exchange


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Thanks for the suggestions - I’ll forward them for consideration, and while we can’t commit to adding the mentioned exchanges yet, it’s really helpful for us to know what you want to see added next.