Any guidance/feedback on my long term portfolio please?

Welcome to T212!

Here’s my two pennies’ worth on your portfolio.

Overall, it’s not the worst I’ve seen, but I guess it’s helpful to be uber critical…

I would turn the portfolio on its head and have a majority in low-cost trackers like VWRL then overlay ETFs or ITs to give it a tilt towards renewables etc.

I’d suggest that would decrease costs and risk significantly. That said, I’m not a fan of the latest factor/trend ETFs at all.

You’ll also find a fair bit of duplication between your index funds. I’d go with just VWRL or something like VNRT, VAPX, VEUR, VJPN and VFEM, which would work out a little cheaper.

You can probably lose the UK dividend ETF altogether, it doesn’t add a lot.

By my quick count, you have more than 20% in property (not including Reits held by your tracker funds), and I’d be very uncomfortable with that high an allocation.

Personally, I hold one or two specialist Reits, such as EQIX, but they make up a tiny proportion of my overall portfolio.

I don’t know those property funds particularly well, but you’ll probably find a fair amount of overlap there too, likewise with the renewables ones.

In terms of what you may be missing: small caps jumps out as does an allocation to bonds (many will say don’t bother with either though).

Many round here also swear by EQQQ and SMT, so perhaps they could be worth a look.

These threads are worth a read, some great feedback from folk far more knowledgeable than me:

@Scrooge_McCodf put together this great guide too, which is also well worth a read: