so I got curious and wondered what type of investing our investors did and what kind of trading our traders did and posted this thread asking for those willing to share to talk about their portfolio, what type is it, what companies do they favour and why did they choose the portfolio they did?
I’ll start off.
I started my portfolio with T212’s ISA account in mid-October, but have been learning how to invest for a couple months leading up to my account being opened and making my first deposit.
I favour a Hybrid-type portfolio I call Dividend Appreciation for my investing. I plan to make most my holdings pay me dividends that will accrue over the long-term. However, I will also take in a company or 2 of the growth type that I believe will succeed over the next year and hold on to them for some capital appreciation gains.
My portfolio is likely to consist entirely of stocks, with no current plans to hold any bonds. I will however have a position in at least 2 different ETFs for a little diversity exposure looking at Vanguard S&P500 and perhaps an emerging markets ETF. This will probably weigh about 20-25% of my whole portfolio.
For Stocks, I have long positions in PepsiCo (PEP) and Unilever (ULVR), with considerations towards Realty Income (O). I plan to make most my portfolio UK-based as this is the only way to avoid taxes being applied since I do my investing entirely through a stocks-and-shares ISA account with T212.