you can save a portion of your funds for use with the pie and invest as normal with the rest. once pies come you have the option to collect any profits or prevent further losses and reclaim those funds to reinvest.
sometimes you just need to be in the market while waiting for opportunities elsewhere
@George For autoinvest pie, can you add a special category of an instrument called ‘Cash’?
Let’s say I wanted 90% of money top up get invested by the pie immediately and 10% held as cash.
If markets fall, the cash buffer would become more than 10% pie value and some of that would get invested in pie instruments. If markets raise, ‘cash’ would become less than 10% and upon rebalance some of the overperforming shares would get converted to cash buffer.
Dividends would go into cash buffer as well before being reinvested.
Existing portfolio will not be part of autoinvest pie. So answer is yes you can start your autoinvest journey if you dont have anything invested currently
Well considering when I was 13, after 5 spins of “spin the bottle” not once did it land on Andrea Mitchell, then I think my chances of being one of the first 100 is highly unlikely
Plus take fact there is option to have beta testing enabled directly at Play store, not sure if those are accounted for, or if they are able to participate without using the sign up link.
But yea 1in10 at best chance, not something I am used in life lol. So hopefully no major issues and see you on other side in few days once released for rest of us mortals.
I don’t think enabling beta testing on Google Play give you any chances of taking part into the beta. The Play Store Beta Programs are only for testing beta releases of the apps. As George mentioned, the code is already present on the latest version. This beta looks more like a server-side thing.