AutoInvest - Getting started

Here is a user guide to help you create and manage your first pies!


Hey @George, thank you for that.
Just to see if I understand correctly, in the future in case iā€™ll add my current holdings their percentage in my portfolio will be their percentage in the new created pie?
Maybe you have an example video or something?
I just want to make sure the fact iā€™m now using pie will not create issues when adding my current holdings.
Thank you

When we enable this functionality importing existing shares in the pie wonā€™t affect your target values. The pie will continue to invest without any problems. When weā€™re about to add the functionality weā€™ll produce a user guide for that as well.


@George is this something we can expect near term or end year/2021?

Is the BETA available for everyone or is it invite?


So far Invite, with random 100 selected. Soon all who signed up for beta will be invited.

Didnā€™t even know you had to sign up :joy: is it still possible to?

There should be link somewhere in the original beta for autoinvest thread. Near top or shared withing topic againā€¦

We donā€™t have the answer to that yet. Allowing migration very early might be a very risky decision as Alex mentioned. :slight_smile:


Hey @George thank you for your answer,
I must say I did not understand how it will work.
for example I have 35 holdings, among them DIS with 5% allocation.
if iā€™ll add all my holdings to a new pie it will keep the % allocation the stock has in my portfolio, right?
for now using the pie is kinda of ā€œuselessā€ for me as I already own shares and only want to grow them.
Or iā€™m missing something?

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I think this article will be very helpful to you:

Each slice in the pie has two key metrics - Target % Weight and Actual % Weight.
Target - what you set as your desired weight for each slice
Actual - the actual weight of the slice which varies depending on the performance of the investment.

Importing more shares of a company that is already in the pie will impact only the Actual weight of its slice because its value will jump.

Importing shares of a company that is not yet in the pie will require you to ā€œmake spaceā€ in the pie to accommodate the new slice. If you want it to be 10% of your pie, you will need to reduce the targets of other slices by 10%.

Does this answer your question?


I have now signed upto beta on play store so guess I have to wait for next update for this function to go live?

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you sign up to the beta via the link in original thread, not via the play store :S


Hi, @George am not seeing the pie feature on my account.

Youā€™re ready to go. Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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Are pies available on Android? I canā€™t see this feature

Hey there @Gurukungfu,

Can you check your messages? Iā€™ll send you a DM :slight_smile:

Yay!!! Thank You :slight_smile: :heart:


Canā€™t wait to try this new feature.

Finally we have something like M1 finance in USA and we can have pies and autoinvesting.

@L.D, can you please add me to the beta ?

Thank you kindly, :partying_face:

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