AutoInvest - Web Sneak Peek

:smirk:I know, you can’t blame a man for trying :joy:. Who knows, if we nudge them enough they may eventually give in :grin:. But in all seriousness, so far T 212 is the best especially with the way they engage us. It already feels like we are part of the organisation because we can see our contribution bearing fruit with what they are bringing to the platform. I have dealt with a lot other fintechs and none of them respond as well as T 212 or as quickly. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that hey…


This is just a suggestion :slight_smile:, I think there should be an anti-foolishness functionality built in to pie creation! For example, if someone wanted to add companies that are going through bankruptcy (like Hertz :scream:) the system will ask: Are you serious right now :fearful:! And maybe try to persuade you to rethink your choice :sweat_smile:.
This is in light of what’s happening on Robinhood.

I get the concept but would that not venture into offering advice? T212 are not authorised by the FCA to give advice.


I was just being facetious :upside_down_face: I’m sure it would not be easy to write code for such a scenario. It can be done but it will not be a good use of resources.

Will it include a clear overview of all of your holdings? Like a total holding overview with perfomance.

I like this, I may need to get a new computer. :thinking:


It looks good however I have a request for the developer, in the portfolio update there is only gain figure but as a dividend investor I would love to see the dividends as well maybe it can be show separately or total gain and from a Dropdown-Menu you can see the split, I saw this in M1 Finance ans it’s very useful , and thank you for the current update by the way

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uhm, this screenshot actually scares me.

Although I kow mobile app is your prio, I hope you did not go full “mobile first” butcher the web approach and use something like “react native web”

My screens are… uhm… very large (the least to say) compared to phones and that screenshot sort of looks like taken on something smaller than a tablet.

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The new UI will adapt to the size of your screen. Moreover, we will keep the current layout as an advanced option. We know many users love it and will prefer it especially when doing technical analysis.


when o when? summer is actually over now ahhaha :stuck_out_tongue:


@George what about a beta test list for the new web version? :see_no_evil:


Next week :slightly_smiling_face:


me me me me me me me me me please :grin:

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This week? :grin:

Hoping to try this out too


here you go buddy - New Web App for Invest & ISA


Today! See H2T2’s post above :slight_smile:

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I saw, makes me happy :grin::grin: