I have been looking for a couple of financial stocks to move into. This looks to be on a bit of a sale after today at under $24 and dividend of 2.8%. Most news on it seem to be suggesting it is worth at least 10-20% more than this current price so some room for growth from entry at current levels.
Thoughts? Any bank stocks you would put as a better buy and why pls.
I would go Morgan Stanley if I were going to buy an American bank. Huge wealth managment, price to book is extremely well placed and buying etrade is smart.
Yeah, I think it’s attractive. I own JPM. But apart from them and BAC I would normally stay well clear. I note that Citigroup has taken a big hit since a decent-looking earnings, so I haven’t looked at the risk/reward of Citi at current prices or recently.
Yes I have been looking at Canadian banks too, considering BNS and Maybe RY too. As UK seem a complete non starter right now, so US or Canadian are the options. Canadian seems more stable but US ones at current prices perhaps more upside (with some risk).
Any good reading about current banks etc very welcome to share here pls
Well, I wouldn’t agree on upside. Earnings yield, which represents upside based on fundamentals clearly shows Canadian banks have more upside and more undervalued.
That is all based on historical pricing/premium for the mentioned bunch.
Better people than me are long the Canadian Banks. They aren’t particularly attractive, to me, though. At least, compared to the US ones. This is based on their current situation regarding impaired loans at the Canadian banks and the credit cycle in Canada.
I did a screener for fun a while back looking for a company with P/E below 10 with a payout ratio less than 30% or something and a yield above 2% and it came up loads I never heard of, but Morgan Stanley came up and after I had a closer look I put it in my portfolio. Appears to be a great company to hold as a dividend growth investor
It is strange, off the bat all you will read on the front pages is how the Financial sector is eternally doomed, but when you look into it deeper, there are some gems for sure.
Yes, banking isnt going anywhere, it is and will change but they wont all just go away and new ones take their place. I am looking to add 1 or 2 bank/finance companies and 1 or 2 heath/pharma.