Maybe T212 should add broker ratings on their ratios tab for certain stocks, I think that would be cool.
Meanwhile, does anyone know a good source or site for checking up to date brokers ratings?
Maybe T212 should add broker ratings on their ratios tab for certain stocks, I think that would be cool.
Meanwhile, does anyone know a good source or site for checking up to date brokers ratings?
@Team212 @David @Rumen This has been over a year and just wandering if it’s a pipeline feature to be implemented?
What value would it add really, if you get broker quotes that are say x months out of date.
They all become out of date as the market moves or the company releases more financial data. How do you measure that?
On HL which releases broker tips i do find the analysis behind the figures very valuable. You could get a different view about a company or macro economics that you didn’t think of on your own. The list of added values could go on, so the quotes might get out of date but the knowledge doesn’t.
Plus you can go back retrospectively and go why was it this, what happened? Does the drop in target price align with a drop in share price etc…