Let's improve T212 PlayStore rating to 4.5

Hi fellow investors,
Today I referred the T212 app to a friend and he said that the app rating is very awful to my surprise it used to be 4.5 stars. I understand the frustration but we should be rationale/reasonable about it. Most of the people gave rating due to misinformation of GME and AMC stocks.

Personally I know there are many things which can be improved for instance we can improve ourselves ;-). since there is a change of improvement in everything. All the people who are using the app and are happy about it please give some good rating on the app store which T212 really deserves.

I am not working with T212 or I am not getting any benefit of the improved rating but I personally think that I shall involve my friends and family towards investing and T212 is the best app I know, you also get a free stock. And the app rating really helps in winning someones confidence.

Best Regards,


hopefully google goes ahead with removing the majority of the new 1star reviews for all accounts that never actually used the app. this should get the score back to around 3star at least. most of us who do use the app would have already given a rating of 3-5 depending on our views and experience so far :frowning:


I have found no major issues with T212 so far, could do with more functionality if its a long term 5 years plus+ use for people as lots will move on to other more advanced brokers as they advance on their journey if it doesn’t provide more tools and accuracy for long term investors.

I guess one issue is its branded as Trading212 not Investing212 so its difficult to dismiss issues traders have claimed as guessing time is everything for them. But yes I am sure some or lots of the bad reviews will be from people haven’t used it much.

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The fact that google can just remove reviews/stars and gets support is very worrying to me to say the least. No wonder nobody gives a . . . about google reviews.

Prefer trustpilot, they are more serious and transparent when it comes to this

And those reviews are genuine, I have read through many pages. I think they should be respected as such. Not gonna say more for obvious reasons

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Trustpilot tends to be worse for financial institutions. A lot of financial companies close accounts due to money laundering or mule-ing. Trustpilot disregards this part of regulation and allows those users to submit negative reviews and will not remove them.

In those instances I’d argue, Trustpilot is actively supporting money laundering, by damaging the reputation of those seeking to stop it.

Yeah, trustpilot looks great :roll_eyes: very helpful review of the service - not…


Most of the recent reviews are people pushing conspiracy theories or upset that they can’t open an account - not very helpful for anyone looking for genuine reviews.

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Agreed. I used to count on the reviews on Trustpilot a lot, but lately all I see is spam - some fake review always asking you to contact certain email or number and to ask for help there.

I’d love to see T212’s Play Store rating back to 4.5. Google should make sure all the reviews in the Play Store are aligned with their guidelines, no matter if they are positive or negative. I think they should delete reviews that are part of organised attacks/bombs, as well as reviews that promote the app by pumping 5-star ratings, again part of a campaign.

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Currently the app descriptions is a lie. They are stating that the Invest & ISA are “totally free, no commission, no fees”, which is not the case. I cannot give more than 3 stars for that.