Can we have a LLKKF update?

Can we get an update on LLKKF? It must be about 10 months of it being locked. We are seeing a nice pull back so would be ideal to add.

Any Lake Resources investors here got an alternative broker they can recommend?

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We understand where you’re coming from, however, our intermediary IB is still not accepting BUY orders with this instrument, @secretsasquatch.

We’ll let you know right away, in case of any new developments. :v:

Can make this sh!t up. Locked out of LLKKF which went on to rise +700%, now same thing going to happening with ABML over coming months/years. Feels and looks like a scam to me.

LLKKF has been closed for over a year and 212 can’t come up with a solution.

Why have ABML buys been closed? and why are LLKKF buys still closed?

Nothing has changed with LLKKF since the last update, I’m afraid.

The situation with American Battery Technology (ABML) is similar, @secretsasquatch. The limitations in question have been imposed by our intermediary and are beyond our control.

I’ll update the thread as soon as there’s any news.

So at the whim of IBKR this can happen to any stock we hold? For years? Seems like a awful situation.

All brokers have their limitations. That’s why it’s good to shop around.