Centamin (CEY) price

What say you guys? A stock I have made money from in the past, especially post March.

Back to April lows today after they announced they wouldn’t meet production forecast, due to technical problems.

With the price of Gold being at the level it is, and some tipping that to rise further, they will likely make up any loss of revenue in that production, so is this an over-reaction? or is there more to it?


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I’m no expert but have a small holding in CEY.

From what I’ve read the production issues are a result of their single mining asset having land movements which has resulted in partial mine shutdowns whilst they investigate.

I guess the risk is that they can no longer mine in that region and given it’s their only mine I can understand the markets reaction.

I’m hoping to ride it out as it’s a small position in my portfolio, but can’t decide if I should top up.

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