CFD Export History

I know we can currently export trade history for invest and ISA but would really appreciate this feature for CFD as well, any plans to implement?

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We appreciate the suggestion, @Darryl, but such an option is not something we’re considering at the moment. Nevertheless, we’ll keep you posted if there are any changes in that direction.

Has this changed?

It would be really awesome to be able to export trading history data from CFD, as I’d like to import it into an online trading journal app I’m building to review and analyze past trades. The reason is to look into my data/stats and improve my trading.

For example: inside of the web app…

Every stock history entry you click on in the “positions” or “orders” tab has a network request happen and a JSON object is returned with all the data that is needed. Is there anyway you could just map over each history entry and do a history.push({entry object}) into one big array and add a button on the FE web app to download this JSON data? Basically mimic an API endpoint that returns your history in JSON format. That would be amazing!

@Michaelz, have there been any developments on this?

Nothing has changed since our last reply, I’m afraid. However, you can drop us a line through the in-app chat, and we’ll be able to send a .csv file with information about your orders for a specific period.

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Hi I did the same with a request in the app chart all they are pointing is download from the web which is not possible for CFDs only possible for Invest and ISA, this is really not good as you need to take the transactions out for TAX purpose.