CFD stock vs Investing Stocks

@silentbull CFDs aren’t stocks, they are contracts between you and your broker. If you buy a Tesla CFD you don’t owe a share of Tesla.
You should be very careful with CFDs. They are made to speculate on a very short period of time using leverage. If you keep them for more than a day you’ll start paying borrowing fees (as you’re borrowing money to leverage).
If you’re a noob, stay away from CFDs. They are for experienced traders.
Believe me, you thank me later :wink:

I started CFD trading before anything else, I have lost a lot but I am now able to manage my risk-reward much better after learning from my mistakes and confident I’ll be making a profit from my initial deposit really soon. If you try to learn patterns and also watch the news articles for your company you may find yourself making good profit. Good luck

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