CFD Traders, please assist to compile a list of 0 quantity and Leverage updates

Thank you for replying @vedran and happy new year to you too :fireworks:

T212 CFD management i don’t take personally as it has happened to ALL CFD customers. Ignoring Customers communication request regarding margin/leverage isn’t acceptable as its their mixed communication/guidance which is why people have been asking (stocks have changed drastically now 1:2 upto 1:20), imagine being in a trading position then margin/leverage changes without notice.

What i do take personally is being told by @Tony.V i have reached a final warning due to 4 post in the forum, when he is FULLY aware of all 4 post not warranting that action (however cherry picked to reach that conclusion). Original post in November “rephrased” by Tony i still don’t have access to the content, the remaining 3 are as stated… the pending reply is weeks old.

Post 4, 5 Days ago: “the maximum remaining quantity for long positions with this instrument is 0” - #63 by Hectares [quote=“Hectares, post:63, topic:11702, full:true”]
@bizie and @obrienciaran you can’t reason with stupid, T212 CFD is not fit for purpose.

Post 2 and 3, 22 days olds: List of CFD Stocks that can't be Traded and Leverage update needed - #4 by Hectares

post 1, Nov 20: [CFD] Upcoming Increase in Margin Requirements - postponed for 01.12.2020 - #685 by Hectares

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