When trying to Purchase Stocks for Long/Short positions via CFD, it states “0 Quantity”. I’ve also noticed the reduced Leverage/Margin list of 75 stocks has now grown in number.
As I haven’t received an email or push notification that the CFD platform is preventing trading of All/Particular instruments and have added more to their reduced Leverage list, I hoped CFD users would provide the Stocks name/tickers which they have NOT been able to trade/Leverage reduced.
Thank you in advance to anyone who contributes
Just to reignite this post, it’s still grim out there in the CFD world for stocks that seem to be going a certain direction (up). We are only getting the option to short them
T212 are not trying to maintain CFD customers/good service, and are not fit for purpose in my opinion.
Staff ignored the post requesting customers being updated when stocks had been included into the reduced leverage/margin list, “0” quantity list, and notification in advance of leverage/margin changes, meanwhile the spreads remain horrific.
T212 need to address the CFD area on their website as it still states “trade stocks like Lloyds, Apple, and Tesla Motors”, along with “zero commissions, tight spreads”
Meanwhile T212 intelligent IT software have placed me on a final warning to be removed from the forum due to 4 post (x1 T212 staff being embarrassed to work for T212 due to lack of customer service/mental health sick leave, x2 “bump 20 characters”, x1 “you can’t reason with stupid, T212 CFD platform isn’t fit for purpose”… And staff backed up the intelligent IT decision, and still waiting for @Tony.V to reply why the final warning occurred from the 4 post to begin with!
I dipped my toe back in with stacking some CFDs in Cloudflare but it turned out they’re limited to 50. Still holding out for the CFDs to become somewhat normal again.
Thank you for replying @vedran and happy new year to you too
T212 CFD management i don’t take personally as it has happened to ALL CFD customers. Ignoring Customers communication request regarding margin/leverage isn’t acceptable as its their mixed communication/guidance which is why people have been asking (stocks have changed drastically now 1:2 upto 1:20), imagine being in a trading position then margin/leverage changes without notice.
What i do take personally is being told by @Tony.V i have reached a final warning due to 4 post in the forum, when he is FULLY aware of all 4 post not warranting that action (however cherry picked to reach that conclusion). Original post in November “rephrased” by Tony i still don’t have access to the content, the remaining 3 are as stated… the pending reply is weeks old.
I had put money into my CFD account thinking I could at least trade but I only had a 0 buy option but could happily short a few 100. Transferred back into ingest account and loaded up on the shares without the leverage
The issue is, these features and additions weren’t there previously. So waiting isn’t a issue I guess.
I guess also, those of us who had joined trading212 to trade CFD, and know how good it was prior to the changes, only want it to get back to this level. So we can feel all nice and warm inside, knowing we helped them (and of course make some money).
If the team tomorrow started taking away fractional shares, for what ever reason. I’m sure users would probably 1) want them back and 2) if they weren’t given back, we would request a list of the ones that are being removed.
Although the list of stocks with reduced limits would be like a new request feature, it’s off the back of something they removed/change without notice.
To me it feels like the root problem has been ignored (some will say it hasn’t been addressed yet) and as result we have asked for at least a compromise requesting a list.
I don’t believe users are taking it personally, but are just expressing their frustration, and from what I can see, within the rules too.
trading212 on the whole is a good app/product and the community is a good bunch of people, and we are just highlighting issues to help them better their product and services.
@Hectares It’s simple: a community member flagged your post. We too found your comment as inappropriate, which is why why it was removed. Hence, the final warning. Those are the guidelines of our community, and we all should work on maintaining the vibe. To be clear: offensive language towards other community users will not be tolerated, whether they are Trading 212 staff or other members.
While you are free to offer constructive feedback about the service and to share ideas, you clearly have an axe to grind and are repeating the same allegations consistently. This does not mean they are true, but we are not going to refute them constantly. This runs counter to the idea of the community. I think you have made your feelings clear, but banging the same beat on the same drum is not what the community is designed to support.
Can the community get some clarity from T212 as to what the situation is with CFD instruments and when we can actually trade stocks wether it’s x2 or x5 we just can’t buy any but are more than welcomed by the company to short them
@Cashurkash There’s no timeline as to when things will get back to normal for those specific CFDs. We will let everyone know once the ETA’s a bit more clear.
Thanks David for the reply. It seems this end that certain stocks have a great chance of price appreciation we cannot buy but we can sell them. What’s the reason for allowing one direction and not the other?
To conclude to a final warning there were PRIOR warnings, and those warnings staff have fabricated to be offensive!
This is ridiculous, again you’ve brushed over the issue and CREATED comment(s) that didn’t exist @Tony.V , pathetic, why cherry pick what you reply to, AGAIN!
Axe to grind! you haven’t just ignored me, loads have been ignored, so again this is why i state it is PERSONAL. T212 website and staff state INACCURATE information, FACTS, not fiction, fix it and there won’t be the same issues consistently.
I would have sent an email but as you have ERASED my post @Tony.V it is not possible to include it in a complaint, is it, convenient!
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out… Count to 10… Relaxxxxxxx! You sound kind of angry. Never respond when angry. Take a moment of zen. Turn off that caps lock and get your self a cup of tea…
Agree i am angry as staff lying, cherry picking parts of comments to reply to, and fabricating warnings i don’t appreciate @chantal
@Vedran you clearly didn’t spend enough time reading your own positive/negative comments (unable to complete in such a short period of time). i’ve helped users on T212 (mainly via private message), however having a CFD account with T212 there is plenty to complain about… type in CFD rather than following behind my comments