I love and rely on your history exports to feed my accounts and reporting in Google Sheets.
It would be much simpler to automate the import and analysis of these history export downloads if you would adopt a common (18 column) CSV format to log Orders, Dividends and Transactions.
For example, (reporting in EUR) the 18 column headers would be:
Action, Time, ISIN, Ticker, Name, No. of shares, Price / share, Currency (Price / share), Exchange rate, Result (EUR), Total (EUR), Withholding tax, Currency (Withholding tax), Charge amount (EUR), Stamp duty reserve tax (EUR), Notes, ID, Currency conversion fee (EUR)
Agreed, sometimes if you export recent transactions that don’t have certain fields inputted, such as you purchased a US stock where Stamp Duty is non applicable the column wont be in your export, and when copy/pasting or importing the data in to your own spreadhseets this can place data in the wrong columns depending on how you process this.
Personally I just export 12 months every time now to alleviate this, as I will normally always have utilised all fields in a 12month periods.
An API to our data would be much more preferable though.
Can you please start to standardize the history export columns in the .csv files?
I’ve noticed today you have added additional columns to the export, I assume this is a result of the multi currency feature being implemented? but its just a pain in the ass when using an export script to append new transactions to my spreadsheet and before this if a specific columm had no data to show in the export it would be missed out so again it would cause an issue merging.
Maybe my rudimentary way of appending to my spreadsheet is the problem, not sure if anyone else struggles with this issue.
It would be ideal if we could request a complete new export of our entire history periodically so we know the data isnt miss-aligned.
You cannot request a full history, only 12 month intervals and this you get different column headers depending on your history and this makes appending new data to existing documents a pain.
I would also suggest including the “Trading Type” or the actual “Exchange” name. In most European countries profits are taxed differently depending on the exchange on which the transaction happened.
For example, sell transactions of Trading Type: TOTV (traded on a trading venue) is tax-free if it is a European exchange. But sell transactions of Trading Type: OTC (over-the-counter) are taxable.