Company Account Please 🙏

Hi there -

I’m a massive fan of Trading 212 for many reasons (I currently have my entire portfolio inside Trading 212, around £140,000) but for me it makes more sense to invest via my UK Ltd company for personal tax reasons. I’m currently trying to open an account with Interactive Investor and OMG it sucks so bad.

Ltd company stock investing accounts are pretty bad in the UK.

It makes me realise just how awesome Trading 212 is. Please please please can you guys support this, I’m sure there is tons of Ltd companies out there that could put their profits to work in the market.

I’d be investing around £10,000 per month into the account, happy to be a beta tester and use alpha software and talk offline if that’s better for your team.

Please let me know!


I always took money out of my company to invest it personally. You’ll face a tax bill on any profits made from within the company so don’t really see how it can give a huge advantage using the company.

It’s absolutely massive difference. Personal income tax for me is around 30%-40% for me. That’s capital that could be compounding for 20 years. Yes the LTD will pay corp tax on the gain at the end when I sell. That’s a lot more at the end than me paying personal income tax and then investing it now.

the capital can still be compounding for 20 years…just in personal account instead of business, so this is why I mean the savings are not huge, you need to get taxed either way you look at it. investing personally you can offset any losses too which is easier than within a company account also note accountancy fees are usually higher for holding stocks in the company too.

take a look here for an example how personal investing (even with the 30% hit at the start taking it out of the company) can give more profit long term, every person’s tax situation unique etc though of course.

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Anyone from the Trading 212 team out there?

tried searching the forum? T212 have responded in this thread…