Darker theme or full customisation

I just discovered the darker theme on Twitter and then on T212…not bad but I prefer Twitter’s dark theme. It’d be good to either provide more themes or allow full customisation… I guess there’s only 3-6 different colours used so people could get creative


I second that. IMO, the “dark” theme is way too bright.
I personally prefer the background of my charts to be black.

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Dark Theme for the Desktop Website?

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Lol, bothered to look and just found it, doh! :laughing:

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I agree. We should have the option of pitch back theme in both mobile and web versions.

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Would be a good addition, current dark theme is meh :frowning:

I would love to see a dark black theme which would provide increased contrast and look a bit sexier :grin:

The FREETRADE app is a good example of how a darker black theme works well…


Black themes matter. :eyes: :fist::man_kneeling:


Dammit dude, you’re such a meme lord :raised_hands:

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I just noticed a darker theme on my mobile app. I’m glad to find that my beloved old blue theme is still there. Please let it stay! Having three options - white, blue, black - is the best!