Deposit dollars in Trading 212

Hi everyone,

I was wondering is it possible to deposit dollars in isa account? Since the pound is all time low so I just want to use the dollars I have to invest in US stocks. Your advice would be highly appreciated! Thanks

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I have normal Investment account, not ISA, but as far as I know, after you choose the currency of your account it is settled, not possible to change it. Thus, your deposits will be converted to this currency, and it will be converted again in case the stock has a different currency. But T212 doesn’t charge any fee for doing so.

They have suggested that if you want another currency you should close your account and reopen it. Some people have suggested multicurrency accounts but it is not a priority at the moment. (I’m saying all of this considering the same applies to ISA accounts).

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Thanks very much guys. I have just created another account but still I couldn’t find the option to choose different currency. I guess as soon as I tell that I am a UK tax payer and provide my NI number it automatically opens a GBP account…

@Harris, ISA can only be opened with GBP.
The option to choose currency is right after the “Account types” step in the signup process, but currencies other than GBP can only be used with the regular Invest or CFD accounts.