Introducing multi-currency support to Trading 212 Invest is a fantastic idea for T212, I know other brokers like interactive brokers already do it, however can this be rolled out to ISA’s too, is it in the pipeline to do so? It’s Available on interactive’s ISA for sure.
Reason I ask I’m new to T212 (not investing) my account is already maxed out (20K) this tax year and it will be next tax year as well. I have 6 positions 5 of them being American companies so it would benefit me greatly by being able to hold dollars rather than having to exchange when I want to open a new position or sell an existing position. I’ve seen a few people say it makes no difference they are obviously clueless, it makes a massive diffrence. I will give an example how its beneficial just for the clueless:
Say for example I own BABA and its rose 50% by some miracle and I want to sell and buy INTEL literally a straight swap. Currently I would have sell BABA Automatically get converted back to GBP then have to pay a further FX fee of 0.15% when I want to buy INTEL. With a multi currency account I can just simply sell BABA and buy INTEL and avoid the FX fee which is huge on larger accounts and over the long term.
So can you please with a cherry on top add this feature to ISA’s as well.