@goranr this is a community forum for users, that 212 occasionally pop on to help.
I agree, it would be useful if 212 could offer reporting to meet any regions tax requirements, but that would also come at a cost somewhere down the line. We can download csv statements of transactions to work out our own tax returns.
As a community - you could start a thread for your region to discuss how to report taxes, and I’m sure some users will crop up and help.
Here is a really helpful thread for UK users, perhaps you start your own for where you are and see what the community can come up with? I would say I’m decent with excel, but to keep it accessible to all, happy to work with google sheets. There are plenty others on the forum as well that would be willing to help or may already have a solution they could share to keep the platform costs low. I could possibly knock something up at the weekend that works out FIFO fairly quickly, but would need input on how dividends and corporate actions are impacted.
It would surprise me if there wasn’t a solution out there already being used in the community that just needed shared.