Yes, i know. Following Informations are needed for the german tax declaration:
for each ETF/Fond the trader is (or was) invested in the declaration year!! :
Type of Fond (depends on the quote of stocks): Stocks- (at least 51% stocks), Mixed- (at least 25% stocks), property- or other Investments
is the fond declare or retain the gains?
value at beginning of the year
value at the end of the year
amount of dividend
â> This is needed to calculate the âVorabpauschaleâ (even if you dont sell the fond) --> best would be if Trading 212 is also calculating the Vorabpauschale and pin it on the information sheet.
in case of selling the fond within the year:
time of buying
time of selling
historical price and costs of the sold amount the buyer had
sale price
other costs relating to the sale
â> therefore: profit between buying and selling
@Tony.V: Are you sure you will provide all this relevant information in the annual tax information sheet?
Would be great if you can provide an anonymous example. And: If there are not yet all informations and you have questions how to provide the right information or calculate the Vorabpauschale: please ask
Yes, I would also like to know this, since this sounds like a big pain in the peep. Especially, if these topic is new and your are making the tax declaration yourself.
Wanted to start with stock shares, but if there is no clear statement, I would rather go with a german broker then get surprised.
The first one contains your personal information as entered in your account and verified with your documents (names, email, customer number, tax ID, etc). It also outlines the period of your trading activity (the tax year) and your overall result. If you have CFD and Invest accounts, both would be included.
The second part of the statement comes as a separate attachment and shows your entire trading history for the period. It shows the time of opening of the position, time of closing, open price, close price and result.
In case you need anything more specific to meet the requirements of your local authorities we can issue it upon request.
As per my understanding the âQuellensteuerâ is a âWithholding Taxâ for your dividends and it is already taken into account considering the fact that you are receiving the âNet Dividendâ.
Nevertheless if you need anything more specific for your Tax Authorities, please contact us directly.
I was checking this topic these days, as far I understood, we will need to manually declare ALL dividends received and any capital gains from sells.
While in a German broker itâs done automatically because all data is sent directly to Finanzamt
For me the normal stock is not that much of an issue. There the system is pretty straightforward. The problem is as far as I understand it, that for accumulating ETFs you have to calculate the gains you get from the reinvestment into the fond.
Do you provide that at the end of the year?
In austria at least the dividends are taxed with 27.5% at the end of the year. Not sure about stocks where I didnt get any dividends.
@ProfNuke Let us assume all the information is provided so that we can calculate the Vorabpauschale and/or capital gains ourselves. Do you know if all these information needs to be sent to finanzamt as well? Also in online tax portals I donât see a line item for Vorabpauschale, so everything would be called capital gains then?
Canât confirm that. I asked the support for a Tax Statement including the information about the Withholding Tax for dividends, they replied that they canât provide me with this information since they donât have the ability to separatly list them.
Although I would really need the information how much tax was already deducted (Tax office in Austria needs that information), the support canât help with that. Maybe you can help me with that? @Michael.P
@laguiar The export feature isnât that helpful, since itâs a simple csv-file and easy editable for anyone, the tax office wonât accept it as proof. You would need a pdf-file with your personal informations and to make it more official at least the Trading212 logo on it.
The Tax Statement you get from the support would be perfect if they could add the information about the withholding tax.