Financial Statement of P&G is calculated wrong

I have come across a minor issue (open to debate) with financial statements in T212.
In my current knowledge Operating Expenses should sum to SGA+R&D+Other expenses, but somehow in the example of P&G it shows different number here. Am I missing something here?
As OE shows less than it is, it will show misleading numbers on profit margins and other factors.
Does anyone have idea why it is calculated way it is here?

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Welcome to the Community, @Asrorkhuja :wave:

We checked this with our provider and there indeed appears to be a discrepancy with the data. They have now made a correction in the information and we reflected it accordingly on our end. Once you refresh, you should see the correct numbers. Thanks for bringing this to our attention :raised_hands:


Thanks for the answer.
However, the issue is not fully solved. Only numbers for 2023,2024 corrected by removing expenses from R&D but other previous years stays with the wrong data. Moreover, if you look at SEC filings, removing expenses from R&D for 2023 and 2024 seems to be wrong (is it just data for t212 corrected for user view?).
I did some digging for other companies, its quite unclear why for some companies data is wrong for some years (ex: KO), for some some all years (ex: P&G) and others are correct (for ex, AAPL and PYPL seems to be correct)?
Could you provide some transparency here? Where is data source (is it EDGAR, is it IBKR)? Why is there inconsistencies?
In my opinion, issues with data should be top priority for t212 since accuracy of data is credibility to your company and trust between two parties.