GraniteShares ETPs – News / Questions & Answers

If UK stock market is closed and US stock market is open, the ETP will still track the underlying stock on a daily basis. Value per ETP is posted on GraniteShares website every evening on the product page :slight_smile:

Good momentum for 3x Short US Single stock ETP
even for 3x Short FAANG :slight_smile:

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Sorry if I missed this, but what has happened to the stop-loss mechanism in the case of the 3x leveraged peloton shares? Just saw it got liquidated.

Hi Marc

Continuing from my last questions, currently nio long price is $0.026 and i am wondering what will be the price of nio long if nio main instrument drops by further 25-30%. If nio long price reaches to near $0.001 will it be removed or halted by graniteshares? And if they do will I lose all my money?

Most likely they will need to do a reverse stock split as they have done on other stocks.

Hi Max

Thank you for your reply but could you please explain a bit elaborately? So will a reverse split be good for my investment? How will it affect my average price and how will the price of the instrument look like for example

A reverse split reduces the amount of shares available, therefore increasing the share price, but the value of the shares you own remains the same, you simply own less shares at a higher price.

Sometimes also called Consolidation, a reverse-stock-split is the process of merging shares together.
The market cap of the asset doesn’t change, it doesn’t create nor destroy value out of thin hair, but it allows to boast a higher share price.

So a 1-for-5 consolidation would, for example, attribute to you one full (new) share for every five (old) shares you were holding, and each of these would be at 5x the price.

Where is the Granite Shares representative?

Marc’s moved on to another company.

You might contact @Tihomir if you have a query.


Any idea why 3x Nio long is not moving/updating when Nio is up?

Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 14.52.08

Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 14.51.56

@MaxZorin refreshing data feed. Should be updated shortly

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Still nothing, all morning now. :frowning_face:

Leverage trading is risky enough without this as well. lol.

This is unacceptable. @Tihomir @Team212

Going on 2 days now as the position is up.

There are no issues on our end, @MaxZorin. Maybe @Tihomir can shed more light on that :pray:

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Fixed now. :+1: Just took longer than would have liked.

Spoke too soon. No update on this ticker again this morning @Tihomir

What’s going on?

@MaxZorin thanks for letting us know.
Issue flagged to T212 team. Should be resolved soon.

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Nio is up around 6% today. Will the ETP track those gains today or not since it is down?

@Tihomir @Team212 @Bogi.H

Nio 3x graniteshare not updating again.

Can some one please look into it.