Help understanding my remaining ISA allowance


I have made contributions to several ISAs this tax year.

£6k into S&S with Vanguard
£5k into a fixed term Cash ISA with another provider in Apr 2024. This matures in Apr 2025.
£7k into Cash ISA with T212. This deposit was made in June 2024. I then transferred £1k + interest I deposited into a Nationwide Cash ISA in 23/24, so this £1k doesn’t count against this year’s allowance.

So far, my understanding is I would have £2k remaining for this year.

However, I have withdrawn some cash from T212 in the past couple of months and added some back in and my current allowance is showing as £3,950 used in T212.

  1. Is it correct that I can only put a maximum of £2k into any non-T212 ISAs? (The £20k allowance less the £18k I initially desposited across the 3 accounts)
  2. and that I can put up to £5,050 into T212 (cash and/or S&S) provided I don’t put anything into any other ISAs?

Hey, @theL8investor :wave:

The ISAs that we offer are flexible, which means you can deposit back all of the funds you withdrew from your Trading 212 ISAs during the current tax year without impacting your allowance as long as you do this by the end of the ongoing tax year.

Even if the other providers you’re using offer flexible ISAs, you can return back the funds without impacting your allowance only to the same provider (us in this case).