Hi everyone,
I am new to 212 but not new to investing.
Over the last couple of years I have started to invest in high dividend companies, in some cases successful, some not so.
This has taken a lot of searching, investigating, risk, pain, losses and a weeding out process to get rid of the chaf, and to eventually get some (or at least what I think are) good stocks.
I would like to share the basics of my experience, and the names of the stocks that I like that give a good yield.
In return I would like other investors to share what they have been doing and share their “golden” stocks.
Of course with high yields there is the risk of the trade off
- The share price might fall, which may not be bad if the high yield outweighs the fall over time.
- The company may not be able to cover the promise of the high yield (too much debt, shrinking revenue etc) and you see it soon drastically reduce as they cut it.
- A combination of the two, or even worse the share price not only falls, but the yield is cut to virtually zero and you’re left with a white elephant.
I do my research, I always check out the companies, EPS, Debt, consistant dividends over the years, etc, but it doesn’t always work, for example, I didn’t know interest rates would go up so much, but I bought some Real Estate Investment Trusts, oh dear!
I have kept the stocks, but the dividends have been cut, some by a third, and in one stock, Invesco (IVR) I have lost a third of my equity (for now). I still keep getting a fairly good return from all the REITs combined, about $550 every 3 months, but that should have been $700 at least.
I have had a few more disasters, but enough said.
My journey also gave me some good opportunities.
I have my fav stock, it is a fund, UBS GLOBAL ENHANCED EQ INCOME, the price has stayed around 30-32 UK pennies per share since I’ve had it. I have owned this for a couple of years and the historic price hasn’t been much different for the last 5 years, just a dip because of Covid from a constant 42p per share, it pays 10% p/year and pays monthly. Unfortunately it isn’t available on 212 yet, but I suggested it.
The others I like are:
REACH PLC (RCH) a UK media company 10%.
VANGUARD FUNDS PLC FTSE DEVELOPED EUROPE UCITS ETF (VEUR) a steady rise in price over the last 10 years and 3%.
Some Spanish stocks;
MAPFRE (MAP) an insurance company 11%.
BBVA (BBVA) a bank 6%
PROSEGUR (PSG) a security services company 11%.
So, I hope you can take something from my thoughts, please share your fav stocks.
And remember, if you like what I said, don’t take my word for it, do your own research.
Happy trading and good luck.