Home Screen Suggestion

I think it would be a good idea to have a home screen for all 212 accounts with the balance of each account on it.

Something I also do on a weekly/Monthly basis (If I can be bothered) is to go through each account and tally up my total gain from each account.

For example… On my S&S ISA I would add up.
Interest, referral bonus, current profit off holdings, P&L, Dividends and Cashback to get a real terms where I’m at with each account.

To have a home screen with…
Invest Total account Total Gains
Cash ISA Total account Total Gains
S&S ISA Total account Total Gains
CFD Total account Total Gains

With the option of jumping into each account from there, would save me a lot of spade work.


Thank you for taking the time to suggest an improvement. I’ll forward your feedback to the team, and we’ll see if we can introduce something similar with a future update :pray: