Is there anywhere where we can see what instruments are going to be added to the Trading212 universe? I’m a bit frustrated that I can’t buy certain companies.
Is there anywhere where we can see what instruments are going to be added to the Trading212 universe? I’m a bit frustrated that I can’t buy certain companies.
@adbalici Please list the instruments you need and we’ll do what we can to add them.
Would it be possible to add BBVA in Spain?
It’s really on an adhoc basis as I do my market research. But I’d be satisfied for now to see LON:SLP (Sylvania Platinum Ltd) ISIN: BMG864081044.
If it’s possible to add this, can I get a timeline?
Thanks a lot!
Can you add UGAZ and DGAZ? Also, would be helpful if you started adding the unique SEDOL number to all of your stocks in this list:
It would also be nice to be able to have access to IPO’s, I understand your competitors like Freetrade do this.
Hi @George. Is it possible to add the instrument Xp Inc (XP) / Nasdaq? It is an IPO from 11/12/2019. Thank you.
|Market:|United States|
|ISIN:|KYG982391099 |
@Diegoscur XP’s live.
Excellent support!!!
Hey @George
Are there any more news regarding this?
@adbalici Sylvania Platinum’s live!
Amazing service! Thanks!
I have to say that the speed at which instruments are added in response to requests on here is amazing. I made a request this morning and it has already been added to the platform and that I why I have already applied to transfer around £16k worth of stock in my ISA and I’ve also sold another £3k worth of shares held elsewhere to buy via T212. Keep it up
Is it possible you can add the following companies. These are cannabis companies
CURA.CN (Curaleaf)
ACRG.U (acreage holdings)
You can see when stocks are added to platform by using the finki Search
If you know the ISIN you can jump straight to
if you don’t know the ISIN, use to search
(beta! can be bugs! sorry!)
Hope it helps!
Nordics are missing several but if I switch to CFD these show up … why not in Investment too?
Thank you.
also, is there any chance to add Hungary, Romania and Turkey on the list?
And Latin America please, especially Brazil (for example AZUL I would like to buy but will have to do it on etoro cause it is not here… please let me know if you can add it today 17.04)
@George has any chance to add PLTH?
@Alex.Santos - unfortunately, we cannot add it at the moment as the stock is not listed on a regulated US exchange.
Thanks for the quick reply @PeterA. have a good day.