View only instruments


There a couple of instruments I would like to invest in from my invest account (not CFD), but appear as “view only”.

These are:

  • Banco BBVA Argentina (BBAR)
  • Grupo Supervielle (SUPV)
  • Central Puerto (CEPU)

I have seen other similar posts where they have been made available, would it also be possible for these?

Thanks in advance!

Hello again,

Could someone please advise on this? Can these stocks be made available?

Whilst you wait for a response from the T212 just wanted to let you know all 3 instruments are available in Invest for me, UK customer.

If you are a UK customer, are you definitely checking INVEST account not ISA? as the below 2 are not available in ISA, so obviously not ISA compliant.


Hi Scott, thanks for the help!
I am using the invest account, but I’m a Spanish customer, so it seems maybe they aren’t available for EU customers.

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No problem, was worth checking.

Hopefully @Bogi.H or one of the other T212 team can answer why its not available on your side of the channel.

But it may come down to stricter market limitations in your country to access these instruments.

Hey, @Scott and @Corona :wave:

I’ve checked this with the team, and all three instruments are now available for trading in both the UK and EU entities :pray:


Great, thank you very much!

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Hi there.
Any change of getting some of these tickers which I believe are all US stock marker tickers, an are view only at the moment, to be made available to trade in EU accounts?
CBRL - Cracker Barrel Old country store
MYTE - MYT Netherlands Parent
NI - Ni source
PBH - Prestige Consumer Healthcare
PINC - Premier
CYH - Community Health Systems
BLMN - Blooming Brands
HPP - Hudson Pacific Properties

Would really appreciate this as I would like to make some investment in each

Have a Great weekend.

Luis Carvalho

@luiscarvalho0165, done :heavy_check_mark: The abovementioned instruments are now available in our EU entity.

Fantastic. Thank you for your help

Any chance of doing the same for PBPB Potbelly Corp? It is also view only at the moment.
Thanks again.

I also entered in the other forum regarding these tickers.

They are all OTC markets.

MARUY - Marubeni
MITSY - Mitsui & Co
SSUMY - Sumitomo

would appreciate if we can get these view only tickers available to trade on the EU platform.

Thanks again …

@luiscarvalho0165, PBPB Potbelly Corp (PBPB), Marubeni (MARUY), Mitsui & Co (MITSY), and Sumitomo (SSUMY) are now available in our EU entity :heavy_check_mark:

Fantastic. Thank you very much