πŸ₯§ Introducing spare change and cashback investing!

:seedling: Grow your pie faster with the 212 debit card!

Introducing spare change and cashback investing!

:credit_card: Get your 212 card now: trading212.com/cards

:white_check_mark: No FX fee, true interbank rate - zero spread markups
:white_check_mark: 1.5% cashback until 1 Jan 25, 0.5% thereafter
:white_check_mark: Earn 4.9% AER on your pounds and 3.7% on your euros. Earned daily. Withdraw anytime.
:white_check_mark: Free - no hidden fees, no subscription plans, no tiers

212 Card available with an Invest account. ATM withdrawals are free up to Β£400/€400 per month, 1% ATM fee applies thereafter. Get up to Β£20/€23 cashback every month. By enabling interest, we hold your cash in QMMFs and banks. Otherwise we hold it in banks. Interest applies on cash in an investment account. Terms apply. Other fees may apply.


That’s a great feature, good work :rocket:


Wha’ts the difference with the cashback card that you introduced several weeks ago ? Or is it the same card and features ?

This is a new feature linked to the 212 debit card, and both options can be enabled and disabled at any time by visiting the card tab. We prepared an article with more information and screenshots that showcase where each option is located :raised_hands:


great, thanks for the link !

These are great features but would there be any chance of selecting the cashback/roundups to go into ISA Pies in future?

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The 212 card is linked to the Invest account, so enabling cashback/roundups for ISA Pies would require a complete change in the logic. I’m not sure this is something that can be implemented in the short term.

Also like this idea - however I can see the issues with ISA allowances etc

Perhaps the compromise is a third option where round ups/cashback at put together in a separate β€œpot” so it’s clearly distinguishable from other Invest account cash, then user can decide to manually move to ISA.

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Yes, earned interest could go in here too - perfect!

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This is what I do essentially. I have a pie that is just a money market account. After it gets to a certain size I can move it over to the ISA.