Invest vs Stocks ISA?

Sorry if this is basic, but what is the difference between these two services.

I know that Stocks ISA is tax free profits and Invest is not, but then what is the point in invest.

Why would anyone choose to use Invest over Stocks ISA?

You can only add 20k to an ISA each tax year.

I set up a couple of pies in Invest. It is only sums up to £300 and fairly certain it won’t exceed 20k in the near future.

Would you reccomend me transferring? would there be any reason not too?


Yes bed and ISA and some more letters. It’s there to benefit you so avoid extra tax at all costs.

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Sorry this is annoying but I can’t find a way to sell the stocks from the pies…

It doesn’t give me the option to sell. does anyone know how to do this. I know it sounds simple but i can’t any information that relates to what i see on my screen

Ok, I think i’ve got it now. i think it is done through withdraw or just clicking the x next indiviual stocks

This also happened to me. I had to export from the pie the ETF I meant to sell and the Sell button appeared again.

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