Investing Books

Thought it would be helpful for some to recommend/discuss different books that cover various forms of ā€˜investingā€™, so Iā€™ll start with something a little unique.

And the reason why:

The book makes the case for just the right amount of effortā€•a lot less than weā€™ve been led to believeā€•and reveals how mediocrity is the key to happiness at work, in relationships, dieting, exercise, investment, and more.


The first book I read was

A simple book to read and understand. The basic premise being you cant beat the market so buy the market.

I also like a good financial crisis book and these are my two favs:


Anyone else bought this?

Hoping itā€™s an interesting read as over their last 12 years have made 4600% returns!

Update so having read a bit, some of itā€™s pretty obvious / sensible advice on portfolio construction and loss limitation, then it moves on to key indicators to identify stocks with potential. One of the key themes is the mcap of the company to focus the scope of potential investments. Iā€™ll finish the book and I think Iā€™ll see if I can automate the search criteria based on whatā€™s available on 212 and possibly start a test portfolio on that basis.

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Looks goodā€¦ might have to get my paws on it.