Hello you very wonderful and intelligent people that make up this forum. I truly hope you are doing well and that you are having great success with your investing.
I have found many instances where over valued, growth stocks and even value stocks that are over valued, keep rising well above these valuations. It makes me wonder, is it necessary to calculate if a company is undervalued, using valuations such as Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (growth stocks) and Enterprise Value (value stocks) please?
For instance could you just look at a company’s future expected revenue forecasts and review the company background through Annual Reports and make a decisions based off this please? As so many companies continue to grow despite being overvalued. If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.
Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you continue to have a wonderful life and achieve massive success with your investing. With my every best wishes to you.