Investments list is no longer alphabetic after new Update (reversed)

Thank you for adding a search bar in investments, definitely makes it easy when we have 100s of investments. I think a small bug has been overlooked - the results are now shown in reverse alphabetic order. Previously they were always alphabetically sorted, A to Z, now it is Z to A.

Device: Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus
Running Android 10

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Mine are still alphabetic.
But I don’t have the search bar for investments, and I made sure my app is up-to-date and even force kill and restarted it.

Samsung S10+
Android 10

Must be dark magic involved. /s
:joy: :joy:

I’m on the beta channel if that makes sense :wink:

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Same issue here. :slight_smile:

Beta channel? I’m using the Beta website and have none of these issues/features. Is the a different set of Beta app website in use?

I would say, beta channel was referring to Android Play store, Beta option for Trading212 enabled. Thus he downloads beta client application for Android.

I had update last evening, since then investment is upside down. From Z to A.

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@Vedran Thanks didn’t even know about the beta option on the Play Store.

How interesting. My investments list in reverse alphabetical order this morning. Was there an app update over the weekend that added this feature?

Using beta on android.


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Hi saifali, thank you for reporting the issue. A fix is coming later today. The version with the investments search bar is still in the beta testing phase, it will be available to all users by the end of the day.


Totally confusing me and my imaginary Tourette’s is in full flow each time I open the app.
At present it is like reading left to right and then overnight it is changed to right to left.

My tiny little mind :boom: lol