Searched on the forum but couldn’t really find what I need, so I made a new similar topic again.
Anyways, been using trading212 for a week and a half now and i’m really enjoying my stay.
But yesterday when i was doing some CFD trading, and also this morning.
When I have my set limit buy orders and waiting for price to potentially reach my desired level.
However, price action can go be traded (below) my (buyin) target.
I put in X of X as a limit buy order on USD 15, current price action is 17USD
Price falls to 13USD but my limit buy order still isn’t activated?
For over 30 minutes was trading actively below my limit buy order and it really made me want to instantly withdraw all my funds.
But hopefully it can be fixed? Or explained to me as why orders didn’t get executed.
@phildawson gentleman is asking for CFD account, so it doesn’t matter I think. @Winkers for someone to answer your question you should provide some more details what stock what timeframe and what was your order, when it was placed. Maybe stock you have issues with gapped somewhere through trading hours and your price never occurred. Just guessing, hard to do anything without details
Which stock, and where was the limit, and what time was it placed? As long as the offer is at or below the limit and the market open, you should have been filled. Unsuprisingly it’s all automated, so there’s no-one deciding whether to fill an order or not.
CFD account
Tesla stock
I had my limit buy orders at different entries,
Price was in the regions of 1515 when i put orders 1510, 1505 and 1502.
Price action dropped to 1501 as low, traded within ranges of 1504-1509 for a good 15 minutes.
And not a single of my orders were executed or filled so I just canceled them out as something isn’t working like it should ( IMO )
Well there is no order history since 0 orders executed eventhough price was underneith my “( limit - buy )” order, hence the problem. There is no history since I was somehow ignored in the markets price action.
This is the 1 minute BUY price chart (UK time). Apparently the price did not reach your limit during that period.
I wonder if yere you looking at the SELL chart, it is the default chart for CFD?
Why’s this flagged? Does it seem account-specific or something?
It’s a fair request; a limit order should execute when the price or better is reached.
Only valid explanation for no execution would be no trades happening, but any trade executed below 1363 should give you the highest priority to be matched against.
Edit: That as, as long as the trades executed under this prices are on the same venue as yours. If these trades happen outside of the market, then that would also be a valid reason why your limit order doesn’t go through.
It does look like it → in that case, we’d need to double-check the position and work with sensitive info. So, it’s much better for the query to be handled via our official support channels.
I’ve previously touched upon the subject here, but you can also check this out for more details.
Now that is weird. It has a 10m trad volume daily so it’s hardly illiquid, and the price dropped to close to 1358.
If it was me, when I noticed I would have stuck in an order for say a quid, and if that went through below your price then you should have grounds to claim the losses for the trade not executing imo.