Maximum long positions is 0 - on Nasdaq?

Hi trading 212, can you please let me know why I am not able to buy US 30 or US500 indices

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Itā€™s a real mess, canā€™t buy any of the major indices, no warning or alert to at least tell us. Was going to open my ISA with 212 in April. Thatā€™s definitely not happening I would rather pay a fee and have predictable control of my hard earned capital. Itā€™s a real shame.


@David Any possibility of knowing why there are no buy positions on the US indices


We have discussed this within different threads, but I will try to sum-up everything provided so far. The maximum quantities of the CFD instruments are dynamic and subject to change, based on our current market risk evaluation.

As a regulated company, we have requirements regarding capital adequacy and the maximum exposure we can take as a brokerage. Thus, many CFD instruments have restricted buy or/and sell quantities at the present moment.


I appreciate the response but you must understand that we came here because we believed we could trade with you, so itā€™s really disappointing to discover we canā€™t in fact trade with you, especially at the most opportunistic of times.

Regardless of the reasons and whoā€™s at fault, itā€™s of no use to us when you canā€™t trade CFDs on your CFD platform. I understand nothing is your fault, ever, but this doesnā€™t change the end result for us. I hope you understand that and address the fundamental issues here.


Itā€™s ridiculous. Currently I like everyone else cannot buy NASDAQ, SPX or US30 on here. Very Frustrating!!!

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@Rumen Thank you for your answer. Like said Jake, I understand totally that is because you are a regulated plateform that sometimes, instruments enter in ā€œsecurityā€ mode. And like said Jake too, we just need some answers and reassuring words.
Especially, we wonder when we will be able to buy indices again, and how are they currently ā€œdangerousā€ (while at the same time, GME and ACM are operational again, while they are still very volatile)?
Thank you in advance !

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@Rumen I understand you position . But Better trading 212 send a daily notification, that guys these are stocks/indices you can buy or sell on our platform today. People can plan accordingly. Since this is happening on a daily bases, either the platform doesnā€™t work sometimes or not allowed to buy stocks.

Hope they will be some way forward thinking in notifying people.


Thank you for your answer.

I think we all get your point. But what about, as some else suggested, publishing daily a list of possible quantities on long and short? I mean, whenever you decide to drop or rise a quantity on long/short, it would be great to know rather then looking up every minute if something changed and it went down from 150 to 5 or even 0, also the other way up from 5 to 100.
With all that uncertainty and changes itā€™s hard to follow a strategy.

Not mentioning we are likely trying to regain our own money weā€™ve lost on the same instruments without protesting. This looks unfair. I hope indexes will reopened as soon as possible or I think Iā€™m going to operate elsewhere

Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking of

@David Yeah. Howā€™s that going? Any danger of allowing people to trade?


@Team212 @Rumen Any update? Still unable to go long on Nasdaq and today I tried AAPL and AMZN but theyā€™re suspended too, of course.

Is it simply because you believe they will go up and you only make money when we lose?

Do you still advertise that you offer CFD trading?

Please just update us, and keep in mind this has been happening long before the GameStop/AMC situation. Thank you.


I am pretty novice when CFDs are involved, but from all the fuss around them lately. I think I picked up few key facts.

One being, overexposure to long position.

Many may not realise, me included(few months ago).

T212 doesnā€™t win when you lose, they win via spread even when clients win. Thus larger spread on CFD vs invest.

So what does this mean, if 90% clients are long, T212 has to hedge and go long and this expose it to potential downturn.

Which means there could be scenario where client lose but t212 loses even more. Due to overextending on long position.

Thus fellow traders should be aware t212 is being prudent and not overexposing themselves, so to stay liquid and making your money be at safe place.

If non of you noticed, since March stocks are going only one way, which is higher. So pretty much majority of CFD exposure was to long position.

Now why spread increased. I have no knowledge to comment or understand reason behind them. This maybe topic for T212 members or senior CFD traders.


I maybe 100% wrong on above if so, have to read more on the subject so forgive and forget. :bowing_man:


I found this on the opening page of their recently filed accounts

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Yeah this is what I was talking about. I have no problem with them making money from our losses, itā€™s how these companies work and I knew that before I ever started trading. What I donā€™t like, however, is that whilst most other platforms continue to let you go long on Apple, Amazon, Nasdaq etc. and accept their loss as a cost of their own business model, Trading212 have moved the goalposts by cutting us off and only allowing us to trade on the least likely outcomes. It just feels like weā€™re being cheated and Iā€™m really disappointed in them. Iā€™m trying not to say bad things here but this is totally their decision to operate in this way.

I really like the ISA and invest accounts and I often really promote them and defend them in discussions, but their CFD side is different to all others and I canā€™t see myself using it going forward. No hard feelings T212 but you must expect this sort of comment if you choose to operate in this way.

I completely agree Jake, the goalposts are constantly being moved by Trade212. My concern is if the trust has been broken on the CFD platform, why should I trust Trade212 with my long term investments on ā€˜Investā€™? I know itā€™s a different system/platform, but itā€™s becoming a trust issue with Trade212.

If you have a trust issue, thatā€™s not the brokers fault. too many people misunderstand how things work and when they are shown to be mistaken suddenly feel like their ā€˜trustā€™ has been undermined.

if you cannot trust a regulated broker like T212, how are you going to trust any other regulated broker you may choose to use instead? just because they havenā€™t upset your ā€œtrustā€ yet?

@Jake.b just because you feel cheated, doesnā€™t mean you were. the comparison made between the above screenshots are pretty clear. 1 - if they have any unhedged positions they can profit from them, however 2. they do not leave any positions unhedged in their business model so there is no such profit margin. this is referring to positions that are opened and closed or margin called before they have a chance to hedge the position, effectively earning the loss as profits because they no longer need to hedge it. this relates to the restriction on scalping as they need time to open a hedge on your position and if you scalp to earn profits, its a pure loss for T212 as they have no hedge in place.

negative balance protection and not charging feeā€™s or commissions mean they cannot afford to soak up losses to the extent their fee and commission charging competition can.

a pretty blunt comparison I can make is that I have a co-worker who felt cheated when he got passed over for a promotion and it went to someone else. the reality was that he wasnā€™t qualified for the role, the company did not cheat him at all. feelings ignore facts. T212 makes money from the spread and the swaps/interest, not your losses. the people who make money from your losses are the other clients that your position was netted against.

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