Minis not updated anymore?

The minis (for me the german30 mini) is not updated anymore? I have an open position, if you want us to swap make an rollover to germany 30 (1:10) but not this way

Nope. They will be removed from the platform. You can only close open positions.

See Dow Jones CFD suspended?

Yes sure, but the value is not updated anymore since 08.06.20 9:31

So i can´t close at the acutal value and i lose money in differnce to germany 30

AND the chart of the new indicies are not correct, there are missing values from 2018 till 29.05.2020

Ah ok… Then @Team212 needs to take a look.

Why I did get no answer from the Support? The difference is now over 2000€

Now i can´t close my position. Really annoying.

@btb I see that everything’s okay now & you managed to close the position on profit, apologies for the inconvenience.

Yes but to late, i´ve lost over 300€. And the germany30 chart is still unusable because older data is missing.