NATO candle discrepancy between T212 and TradingView

I have been invested in the NATO ETF since November but have recently noticed that the T212 chart shows unusual candle spikes since January.

Here is the NATO chart via T212:

Here is the exact same view in TradingView:

Notice that the TradingView chart looks much more ‘natural’ whereas the T212 chart has insane candle wicks. This also means that the price high on T212 is significantly higher than TradingView.

Aren’t the T212 charts based on TradingView? If so, how can these candles be so different?

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I’m checking this and will update you. Thanks for reporting.

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We checked the situation and noticed that we received unusually high ASK prices based on quotes consumed on the 4th and 5th of April, resulting in a large “high” wick. We applied a fix which should prevent the chart from being skewed again.

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Thanks Bogi. I’m still seeing those crazy wicks. Does the fix apply to the candles retroactively, or just new candles going forward? Also, was this a bug that potentially affected all charts, or just NATO?

The fix applies to new candles only. I have checked this with the team, and we can’t see any skewed wicks to the same extent as when you first posted about this. Could you provide me with a screenshot of how things appear on your end now?

The latter - this only happened with NATO.

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Unfortunately, I still see it as before.

Thanks for the screenshot :pray:

I double-checked this and can confirm that the fix applies only to new incoming candles. I have edited my previous comment to prevent any confusion - apologies if I initially misled you.

The retrospective data and the wicks cannot be adjusted, as the quotes we received at the time were valid. However, this won’t happen again in the future due to the applied fix :raised_hands:

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Thanks Momchil! Much appreciated :slight_smile:

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Hi @Momchil.G and @Bogi.H,

I’m reviving this topic as it seems that there may be a wider problem. I’m now seeing similar candle discrepancies for other stocks, such as Eagle Eye Solutions (£EYE).

As you can see, in the T212 chart, there are two unusual candles with crazy long wicks:

However, these wicks do not exist on TradingView:

The price change alerts for this stock were also affected:

Previously, I asked if this problem was specific to one chart, and you told me that it was:

However, it now seems that there may be a more systemic problem here. Attempting to fix this on a chart-by-chart basis is probably not sustainable.

Could this be caused by basing the chart price on quotes rather than latest trades? If so, this bug could potentially affect every single chart on T212.

I’m checking the case now and will keep you posted. Thanks for reporting this.

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Hi Bogi, just out of curiosity, did you find anything?

We’ve implemented an improvement to our logic, which now discards quotes we deem inadequate for our price charts and which could cause price alerts.

Still, if you notice a large price wick or erroneous trade alert, drop me a DM, and we’ll check the situation further.

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Thanks! I’m glad I reported this to you :slight_smile: