New ETF to add SPCX (Spac ETF)

Please add $SPCX which is an ETF that follows a variety of SPACs.

SPCX - Yahoo Finance



I would give this my thumbs up also! :+1:

As a sidenote, was sure I read about this one or a similar one, that was already live on here? :thinking: Clearly not the case cause the search isn’t bringing anything up!

Unfortunately the answer to adding this right now is as above. Think I might drop them an email and ask if it’s compliance they’re looking to attain?

Or I just look for someone who can have it! :man_shrugging::rofl:

Please add Newly Launch SPCX ETF (new SPAC ETF). Launched Dec 16, 2020.


Would it be possible to add this etf please soonish please?

@asherwood Is it UCITS?

Unfortunately not, see above from last week! :-1: