Oil-21Apr20 Rollover

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will roll over all open positions with Oil-21Apr to the next contract Oil-19May one day in advance, as the current contract has become illiquid.

The current contract was been suspended due to insufficient liquidity & widening spreads in the rollover market.

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But if I don’t have the money to pay the difference for rollover then how it will happen?

@sumit The rollover itself is net neutral because there’s an adjustment. Check these two posts:

Thanks for the reply, but how that adjustment will be made?
for adjustments also you need money in account.

Thanks for the explanation. However, does that mean I have to pay the difference from the last trade in 21April20 at 0.7 and the current trade in May at 20.9? I had quite some short positions…

Hi, David

Excuse me, will this also apply to my account?

Hi David, never mind, I got the result (profit) from the 21April20 contract. All sorted. Thanks

More examples of people who shouldn’t be trading CFDs if they don’t know how roll over of oil contracts work.


Hi David,

When the roll over will happen? Tonight after 7pm? I don’t have any position open yet for Oil -19 May.

For more info about the rollover impact on open positions, you can also check out this link :slightly_smiling_face: