Option trading?

Iā€™m not an expert but Iā€™m studying a bit here and there online. What I hear is that options is one way to do hedging, which is a way to protect your portfolio when things get bad. Another way, I hear, is to buy an inverted etfā€¦or to buy some gold.


Yes but theyā€™ll add options etc after launching.




hedging is a technique used to reduced risk. it has nothing to do with the actual product you are dealing with. you can hedge with CFDs and you can hedge with Equities. its not something that can be used to argue that options are a good idea.

robinhood UK will end up as an inferior version of T212 as it will not even give access to the LSE, its completely focused on US stock exchangees and they have stated in all their Nov '19 articles that crypto and options will not be on the table for UK investors. their additional services like Level II market data will only be provided for a Ā£5 monthly subscription.

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I am referring to Robinhood, and not T212.

Hedging with CFDs is NOT the same as with options. Plus options are just so much more diverse, sophisticated instruments.

But, like T212 said, itā€™s not in their plans for this year, but believe me theyā€™ll bring options if their users demand it, because they are a user centric company, most of the features plus more, we request, have been implemented. Itā€™s just a matter of time.


Of course T212 could just ignore this entirely, but if Robinhood UK brings options first I think itā€™d be a pretty big loss to T212, people here just donā€™t seem to know much about options cause very few brokers offer it, and I think none of the small selection of zero commision brokers here offer them, if Robinhood UK actually launches at all here, then brings options soon after I think itā€™ll have a pretty big draw on people, and hopefully by then thereā€™ll be enough demand for them to be added here too, but I think itā€™d be great for T212 to beat them to the punch



Plus T212 works with IBKR, they already offer options trading and T212 could just throw a hook and start offering relatively fast if they decide do!

We should bring this topic up a lot so T212 realizes we care about this feature.


First-My own opinion
I think we should let them now build on the great base that they had created( this include having having a wider range of stocks available, more fluent money circulation-dep/withdraw, a better UI on the web that could be integrated to work live with the mobile and further good customer relation).

They offer premium services for a free company. Before they should include options or other ways of hedging they need to implement a well thought paying service, and even then I would be more interested in other things first like alerts,better news sources, extended hours ,level 2 market data and maybe , maybe ,somewere in the far future, options).

We shouldnā€™t try to push them offer more and more features that fast. The stock market is not going anywere. If you could make money now you could make money later.


The more I read this thread, the more I am reminded of WallStreetBetsā€¦

:money_mouth_face: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :raised_hands:

@adm Exactly . As I earlier had said. I wonder how many are here from that subreddit :sweat_smile:

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I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about, Iā€™m just here for tendies


Gotcha! :rofl: Actually Iā€™ve no idea what you are talking about.


@AlexK Tendies is slang for green bills (dollars). Commonly used in the /r/WSBets

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You are very misinformed, options existed way before even Reddit existed, let alone WSB!

People made money and saved/prevented losses with options! Also the other way around.

Letā€™s not generalize, coming form WSB or not, options are an important tool for a smart investor.

As for pushing T212, regardless of how many times you bring it over, T212 has a mind of its own, theyā€™ll, like they said work on this eventually. I agree there are more important things to be done before.



Could we please add the function to buy and sell puts and calls? I think that would bring more users into the platform and it would also save us having to go somewhere else to buy them.




Youā€™re probably not wrong that this would bring more people in. But, alas, not to be.

Tendies is actually chicken tenders (i.e. chicken strips) what youā€™d buy with your winnings.


Hi , it would be good if trade 212 were to offer options trading. I know someone using Robinhood to fo this . Obviously training videos would be required. Maybe its something to consider adding to your platform?