Please add all UCITS ETF's in existence!

Please add all UCITS ETF’s! It will save time for many of your customers!

The Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive 2009/65/EC is a consolidated EU directive that allows collective investment schemes to operate freely throughout the EU on the basis of a single authorisation from one member state. EU member states are entitled to have additional regulatory requirements for the benefit of investors.

Source: Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive 2009 - Wikipedia

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I agree with you.

Probably T212 could have some automated investing strategies with ETFs, using or not, the Pies, like a robo-advising service for investors that want passive investment or don’t have time, formation or the will do the proper due diligence to invest. For example:

  • Retirement Strategy
  • Dividend Strategy
  • Growth Strategy
  • Low Volatility Strategy

The investor choose the currency and the Strategy, with or without answering some questions first about his/her investor profile.

(T212 could take some of existing ETFs fees and/or could have a fee for the robo-advising service.)

Returning to OP, just to put in perspective, Morningstar (Europe) has 11015 ETFs, it includes all versions (stocks exchanges, currencies, distributing/accumulating, with/without currency hedge, long/short, leverage/non-levereage) and the several legal structures (ETFs/ETCs/ETNs).

It could take some time to add all that and make fractional. Some will not added due to low volume or other considerations. In the end, T212 is dependent of IBKR offer.