Price Alerts Broken

Price alerts seem to have been completely broken these past couple weeks.

Removed price alerts reappearing, triggered price alerts reappearing, price alerts being duplicated. The list goes onā€¦

Can this be looked into ASAP please.


I keep on getting (small) mobile price alerts being triggered right after placing them on this specific stock, is this assumed volatility? Because neither T212 nor Level 2 market data had hit that price at the time.

Higher price alerts donā€™t trigger, itā€™s only in dollar increments where Iā€™ve consistently noticed this.


Anyone else getting price alerts triggering when price is nowhere near?

e.g. PLTR $25.xx alerts triggered and again when I try replace them they instantly trigger, stock is trading $27+

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my alerts have only triggered when prices jumped today. nothing when it shouldnā€™t have.

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still broken :frowning: some price alerts are triggert instantly but price did not drop to that level

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@masba I will DM you to discuss your case.

Been seeing the same for a while. Prices are off for a few stock today.
Regularly see price alerts hit instantly, especially if the stock has been at that price at some point in the last hour.

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Hi @random53

If you experience any issues, you can DM me and provide me with a video on the matter.

It is some time zone issue for sure. I checked the REST response of setting a price alert and the time-zone was off. Please let your dev team FIX this should be easy. My advice is to always use UTC times or Epoch time (Just as you are already doing it for the stock price in websocket ;D)


Please fix, still happening, VERY annoying :frowning:


I cant believe this is still not fixed :(( I also provided you with the solution in the post above.

Triggered instantly , but the current price was far from the trigger


Itā€™s really an annoying issue

The candles show the behaviour ticks up and down. Alerts arenā€™t instant so what exactly are you wanting fixed? ā€˜far from the triggerā€™ actually not that far at all.

An alert at 90 getting triggered at 85 is an issue. An alert appearing around 89.8 for a 90 alert is not an issue its volatility in the price data feed.

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27bps is hardly a far movement. :rofl:. It probably reached it and you didnā€™t notice as well within todays trading range.

I will provide a better example maybe with video soon, it happened with a full $ as wellā€¦ i set the trigger and instantly it fires. however it seems to happen only if that prices was reached in the trading session before, so i highly suspect a timezone issue.

Perhaps itā€™s then a really simple alert checking the high/low of the day. If thatā€™s how itā€™s meant to work then it is what it is.

Iā€™ve now made a video where you can clearly see the issue.

Note that you can see a second issue as well:

  • Sometimes an error message will appear saying the current market price is at the spot where im making the alert!

Hope this helps to identify the issue!

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We are currently looking into your case. Will provide you with an update as soon as possible.

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