Property funds โ€“ yay or nay?

Technically: yes :slight_smile: about 23% of my portfolio is REITs but as @Vedran would put it nicely Iโ€™m more on the โ€œbunkered upโ€ side of the spectrum rather than shopping centre lets.

These are companies that provide data centre and/or communication towers (with a 5G emphasis) that are structured as REITs.

Digital Realty Trust, Inc. 28 15.56% 5.21%
Equinix, Inc. (REIT) 28 15.56% 5.21%
Crown Castle International Corp. (REIT) 22 12.22% 4.09%
American Tower Corporation (REIT) 22 12.22% 4.09%
SBA Communications Corporation 20 11.11% 3.72%
CyrusOne Inc. 19 10.56% 3.53%
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 17 9.44% 3.16%
Prologis, Inc. 13 7.22% 2.42%
Duke Realty Corporation 11 6.11% 2.04%

I also got dog-housed positions like BXP, STAG, PSA from US and DLN, BBOX from London. But planning to sell all 5 before end of 2021/22FY

edit: I also loved VNQ one of the best Vanguard ETFs imo. Used to buy that when it was available on T212, it might be a good idea to may be create a pie replicating it.

edit 2: out of boredom I created a VNQ pie - with only top 50 holdings, might be useful to someone. Pies & AutoInvest - Trading 212